English Theatre Milan returns to Piccolo Teatro!

Monday November 28th- 6pm at Chiostro Nina Vinchi

(event in Italian)

Our co-founder Margaret Rose has the pleasure of returning to Piccolo Teatro di Milano to discuss the life and success of English poet Percy B. Shelley, 200 years after his death. Margaret will be leading a panel joined by Lilla Maria Crisafulli, Francesco Rognoni and Carla Sanguineti, with readings by Giuseppe Scutellà and Lisa Mazoni, edited by English Theater Milan. 

A note from Maggie:

“I am delighted to be presenting this Shelley event at the Piccolo on the 28th November at 6pm. Shelley was a remarkable man and an amazing poet, whose radical ideas on love, war, politics and the environment are still so relevant for today’s world. For us who live in Milan, it is interesting to note that he visited our city, with Mary Shelley and her half sister, Clare Clairmont, in 1818. Letters and diary entries vividly recount trips to the Scala, the Gerolamo theatre and his reading Dante in the Duomo. Director and actor Giuseppe Scutellà will also read fragments from my play, Shelley. A Diet for Peace. This explores the poet’s vegetarian diet in the context of his holistic views on health, wellbeing, while imagining a world free from hunger and war. Don’t miss this free event in the company of some of Italy’s leading Shelley specialists!”

Learn more and reserve your spot at piccoloteatro.it

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