As You Like It Show Program

AS YOU LIKE IT an adaptation with music, song and an all-female cast. An English Theatre Milan Project, with the Milan Singers Saturday 15 April, at 6pm- All Saints Church, via Solferino, 17 (Brera). Free entry, donations accepted. Sunday 16 April, at 5:30pm- Spazio Alda Merini, via Magolfa 30 (Darsena / Navigli area). Free entry, followed […]

ETM Annual Board Meeting Followed by Play Readings, Performances and Drinks

Happy Holidays from English Theatre Milan! ETM’s annual board meeting was followed by play readings,  performances and drinks. At the meeting Sal Cabras and Maggie rose outlined last year’s activities and took a look at 2023. Shows from the UK will jostle alongside ETM’s own in-house productions. There’ll be masterclasses and short performances like the […]

BOX AND COX – all’ Edinburgh Fringe 2021

at the Edinburgh Fringe 2021 we presents a live première of BOX AND COX the celebrated farce by John Maddison Morton 25-27 August, 16,00 (BST), 1h15m, Tickets £5 A Scottish-Italian Alliance Directors and adapters: Maggie Rose, Sal Cabras Starring Morna Burdon, Mrs BOUNCER, Paul Gruber, Mr COX, Paul Murray, Mr BOX Book your […]

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